You're Crazy

Hi Reader,

One of my favorite ads? Ikea’s 2002 rug-pull from American filmmaker Spike Jonze.

The ad showed a woman dumping an old, red lamp in the rain and replacing it with a much newer one from Ikea.

Like many viewers, I felt bad for the old lamp.

But at the end of the ad, Swedish actor Jonas Fornander pops up and says,

“Many of you feel bad for this lamp. That’s because you’re crazy. It has no feelings and the new one is much better.”

The ad caused a furor… and won loads of awards.

In 2018, Ikea released a sequel.

The red melancholy lamp finds a new home with a loving family.

Fornander reappears to say:

“Many of you feel happy for this lamp. That’s not crazy. Reusing things is better.”

He’s right.

(Note I’m not talking about the environment.)

If you’re creating content online, reusing things IS much better. What old content do you have… that you can update and republish?

It’s much easier to take an old hit and rework it than it is to create something new. Pro writers do this all the time.

If you need help, I’m working with a group of pro writers to help them earn an extra $3–5k per month. Reply to this email to learn more.

Write on,
Bryan Collins

Grow your business by writing online

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