Hi Reader, I wasted half an hour reading a fun subreddit over coffee the other morning. /LinkedInLunatics is full of posts from keyboard-warrior Redditors sharing cringe-worthy LinkedIn posts. One Redditor surfaced a LinkedIn post from a laid-off Tesla product supervisor. Nico posted on LinkedIn saying, “Tesla eliminated my position, I’m going to eliminate my housing costs lol.” Nico plans to invest his savings in the S&P500 and document living in his car online. “I already lived in my car for a few days at Tesla, so why not do it full-time,” he says. “Be bold. Be unafraid. Be you.” I wish Nico well. I put off writing on LinkedIn for a year or two. I was worried about what former colleagues would think… and that was before I knew about this subreddit. I started writing on LinkedIn on a whim. I was surprised by how many potential clients I could reach with a post. After a few weeks, I realized building a brand on LinkedIn is much easier than other networks. The LinkedIn community is welcoming and engaging, too. Don’t expect many bots or trolls, like on X or Instagram. (You might come across the odd lurking Redditor, though.) And you don’t need to write and post multiple times a day on LinkedIn, either. My current cadence is one daily post at a rate of five to six per week. I spend 30–60 minutes writing my content for the week. I schedule my posts using Taplio, and I spend another 15 minutes a day engaging with other accounts. Does posting that much content make me a LinkedIn lunatic, too? I couldn’t care less. Clients are contacting me via LinkedIn to ask if I’m available for copywriting work. I’ve no plans to document living in my car. But I’m happy to hear from potential clients. Here’s the thing: If you write insightful content for your ideal audience, LinkedIn is a great network for finding clients and paid work. You don’t even need to create as much content as me. Someone should tell the LinkedIn Lunatics. If you need help writing online, I’ve 3/10 coaching spots open. Reply to this email to learn more. Write on, |
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I take our youngest son to hurling and GAA football training on Saturday mornings at the local GAA club. For my American readers, hurling is an Irish sport, like stick and ball. We’re from the same town as Paul Mescal. (Google “Paul Mescal GAA”) Because I’m in the midst of a mid-life crisis, I’m also training for a long-distance triathlon in Roth, Germany, next July. So I’ll go for a two-hour run in the Phoenix Park in Dublin. Or I’ll spend an hour or two stuck on a turbo trainer while...
"Great walk bro!" Nothing grinds my gears more than growth gurus preaching generic advice like "Comment for an hour every day and you'll grow your account." Do that, and you'll spend an afternoon commenting on post after post about daily walks! I don't have time for that. I'll wager you don't either. A few days ago, I wrote about a system I created to attract high-quality leads on LinkedIn. This system is particularly effective for coaches, consultants, and business owners. The LinkedIn...
I’ve worked with marketers who hid behind complicated words and terminology for years. They mistakenly believe this type of language conveys knowledge and expertise. The problem? Complex writing is like a maze - readers often give up before finding the exit. (The only exceptions are literary fiction and academic writing.) Savvy writers and content creators know people’s attention spans are strapped. Most of them scan while bored at work or waiting for a train. They’re not just reading. So,...