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I went big in Brazil

Published 16 days ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader—

My journey from page one to a 90,000 manuscript wasn’t easy.

I spent my early 30s reading non-fiction.

My book genres of choice?

Personal development, business, creativity, writing, and psychology.

I read the classics like The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

And contemporary best-sellers like Robert Greene’s The 48 Laws of Power, Stephen Pressfield’s The War of Art, and Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down The Bones.

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I also spent my early 30s trying to write THE BIG BOOK.

But fiction was out of the question.

I’d discovered authors are best at writing what they love to read.

In my case, it’s non-fiction.

So, I got up at 5 am for a year to write a book about creativity.

Draft one clocked in at a whopping 90,000 words.

The average length of a non-fiction book in these genres is about 50,000–70,000 words.

So, I hired a book editor.

And we spent a month chopping, editing, and condensing my messy first draft.

Meanwhile, I told my editor I was self-publishing.

He told me to break the book into three short books instead.

A series about creativity, if you will.

(Amazon KDP worked differently in 2015)

The series is called The Power of Creativity.

And I wrote it for writers and artists.

The series comprises short books.

And I gave away book one for free.

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His advice worked.

That free book helped me sell more copies of books 2 and 3.

I also created a single version of the book that readers could buy, too.

And a large print version.

And an audiobook.

My series of creativity books did ok.

To date, it’s sold over 100,000 copies.

The lesson here?

Readers in different markers consume books in different formats.

Some like it long, some short, some on Kindle, and some print.

So, create multiple formats for your book.

Consider translating, too.

I should take my advice here… and translate my book into Portuguese.

My book is popular in Brazil for reasons I can’t figure out.

Amazon sometimes contacts me asking if I’d like it to appear in exclusive promotions for that market.

I always say, “Sim Amazon, sim!”

Writing that book gave me confidence I could earn a living writing online.

Perhaps too much confidence.

Because I wasn’t prepared for what happened after I wrote a flop.

Tomorrow, I’ll tell you more.

You can buy the series directly from me.

I used a service called Payhip to create my bookstore. Authors earn a little more if they can cut on the middle-man, i.e., Amazon.

That said, book 1 is also available for free on Amazon.

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—Bryan Collins

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