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How can I prevent plagiarism?

Hi Reader, I got a few responses to yesterday's email about getting plagiarised on Medium. A few readers said they were sorry this happened to me. I'm hanging in there ;) One writer wanted to know if Medium told me someone plagiarised my work. That writer is having trouble with scammers, too. And another writer asked, "How can I prevent plagiarism?" Well, I found out about the episode after a reader wrote in a while back. He'd stumbled across one of my articles under someone else's name....

about 19 hours ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader, Chet emailed in to say a guy plagiarized me on Medium. I was plagiarized. I wrote an article about comedian George Carlin’s odd note-taking system a while ago. The article went viral, and Medium paid me a few hundred dollars. (You can read my article here) A few days later, a plagiarizer copied my article into his Medium account. He changed the picture and republished it under his name. When I heard about it, I left him a snarky comment and moved on with my day. I used to worry a...

2 days ago • 1 min read
orange and white egg on stainless steel rack

Hi Reader, One of my favorite ads? Ikea’s 2002 rug-pull from American filmmaker Spike Jonze. The ad showed a woman dumping an old, red lamp in the rain and replacing it with a much newer one from Ikea. Like many viewers, I felt bad for the old lamp. But at the end of the ad, Swedish actor Jonas Fornander pops up and says, “Many of you feel bad for this lamp. That’s because you’re crazy. It has no feelings and the new one is much better.” The ad caused a furor… and won loads of awards. In...

3 days ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader, I’m at the end of a training plan for an Ironman triathlon. Here’s what the race looks like: Swim 1.9 KM. Cycle 90 KM. And then run a half marathon. My midlife crisis is in full swing. Now, I’m a weak swimmer. So, I joined a triathlon club to improve. Every Thursday, my swimming coach tells me: "Straighten your legs and feet, and you'll swim faster." The only problem? I’m an inflexible guy. My feet don’t bend that way. They're permanently locked at a 90-degree angle to my body. Not...

4 days ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader, Over the past few days, I emailed you about my mega bundle of courses inside the Successful Writers’ Club. A grumpy keyboard warrior took time out of his busy morning to write in and say, “Bullsh*t!” But… That’s not the first time someone sent me negative feedback. I regularly get emails full of expletives that I can’t write here. Then there was the time I experimented with writing literary fiction. An Amazon reviewer left a one-star review and said, “Terrible, don’t buy!” (To be...

5 days ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader, This email is short and to the point. I’d like to invite you to take advantage of a “no-strings” membership.” You can try 6 of my most popular writing courses right now. The Successful Writers’ Club includes courses on How to Write a Book Conquer Writer’s Block Master Self-Editing The Efficient Writer Freelance Writing Mastery Become a Writer Today Boxset of Writing Books The Power of Creativity Boxset of Books Thousands of students have taken my writing course, but this offer is...

6 days ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader, I’ve spent years interviewing, coaching, and working with writers. They usually want one of three things: To get paid To build an audience To share their story You want to get paid to write? Freelancing is the easiest way to start. Freelance writing doesn’t always pay well until you specialize in a niche. Once you’ve picked a niche and have some testimonials, consider copywriting. It pays more. Joseph Sugarman’s The Adweek Copywriting Handbook is a great read for this approach. You...

7 days ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader, Profitable writers don’t earn money directly from one book. The pro-fiction authors I met? They have a rich back catalog that helps them pay their bills. And they regularly bundle their most popular books and sell them as a series. And non-fiction authors? Their book(s) form part of an ecosystem of products. That book could land them a public speaking gig, consulting, or help them sell a course. Successful authors of all genres regularly update their old products, services, and...

7 days ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader, As a writer, this platform is the place to be if you want to grow your brand. Business Tips for Creators How to Create a Personal Branding Strategy: Step-by-Step Building a personal brand is critical to generating meaningful audience engagement and revenue for your business. As a content creator, serving your audience and getting paid is the ideal end goal. Read Article Writing Tips How To Write Powerful Call To Action Phrases So, how do you convince readers to take action without...

9 days ago • 3 min read

Hi Reader, Stop trying to do everything at once, manage your goals independently, and regain your focus. Writing Skills How To Become a Better Writer? 10 Easy Ways That Work Fast Learning how to become a better writer (or even a good writer) depends on what level you’re at, what you write, and what becoming a better writer means for you. For example, great writers like Stephen King may think success means topping the New York Times best-seller list. Success for a new writer could mean getting...

10 days ago • 2 min read
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