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From my biggest flop to a creative success

Hello Reader— This week, I told you how I became a USA Today best-selling author. And about the time one of my books went big in Brazil. My indie author career wasn’t all sunshine, pina coladas, and book royalties. I also explained how I spent a year writing a business book… that almost no one bought But what about the book I’m most proud of? 5 Biggest Myths About Writing a Book Common myths about writing many aspiring authors face when struggling to finish their first book. Read article...

about 20 hours ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader— Yesterday, I told you about what I felt after writing a flop. A book almost no one bought. TL;DR It sucked. For my next project, I hacked it. I wanted to write a best-seller. I didn’t want to spend a year or two doing it. And I needed help. So, I hired a US publishing company. Writing a Book For the First Time? Top tips about writing a book for the first time. Read article What Is Writing Voice? How to Develop Yours Five strategies you can use to find your writing voice. Read...

2 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader— Writing a book that doesn’t sell is nauseating. I didn’t set out to write a flop. I figured I’d a great idea for a book readers would love. You see… For a few years, I wrote a popular productivity column for Forbes. I interviewed dozens of entrepreneurs, CEOS, authors, executives, and thought leaders for my column. These included people like Michael Jordan’s mentor, Howard H. White, and James Clear of Atomic Habits fame. When my column came to an end, I decided to turn my...

3 days ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader— My journey from page one to a 90,000 manuscript wasn’t easy. I spent my early 30s reading non-fiction. My book genres of choice? Personal development, business, creativity, writing, and psychology. I read the classics like The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. And contemporary best-sellers like Robert Greene’s The 48 Laws of Power, Stephen Pressfield’s The War of Art, and Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down The Bones. Best Creativity Books for Your Library Start...

4 days ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader— My daughter is a big Taylor Swift fan. It was her birthday a few months ago. So, my wife and I decided to get her Taylor Swift tickets. I spent hours in a queue with Ticketmaster to buy them. Ticketmaster kept kicking me out. So, I took out my credit card and bought some overpriced VIP tickets for the tour. I gave my daughter the tickets as a birthday present, and she loved it, but… Spending so much time in a virtual queue and an eye-watering amount on concert tickets got me...

9 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader— I spent six months trying to write a thriller novel. Thrillers were big on Amazon Kindle. Writing one thriller novel would help me grow my author brand. After writing a thriller book, I was going to quit my dreary day job and work on my writing business full-time. The problem? My idea for a thriller novel was terrible. I won’t bore you with the details. But I spent months getting up at five AM plugging away at my manuscript. Best Spy Thriller Books Pick up your next favorite...

10 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader— I interviewed one of my heroes a few years ago. David Allen. He’s the author of Getting Things Done (GTD). The book was a sensation in Silicon Valley in the early 2000s. I read the book a few weeks after a boss fired me from a job… for NOT getting things done. You see: I was a BIG procrastinator. How to Create the Perfect Writing Routine Discover the benefits of writing in the morning and how to create the perfect daily routine. Read article 24 Great Topics to Get Creativity...

11 days ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader— I’ve kept journals of different for twenty-five years. I wrote journal entries in notebooks and password-protected files. I bought fancy Moleskine notebooks. And I tried popular writing and digital writing apps. Notebooks work fine. But, they filled my bookshelves. And finding old entries took ages. So, I stored them in the attic. Why Write a Gratitude Journal? Read our guide on writing in a gratitude journal. Read article Journal Writing for Students Check out our expert...

12 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader— A writer emailed me the other day. She was having trouble working on her book. She said: “One of the reasons I have not gone farther with writing is because family sees me working at a computer, or like today with a cell phone and thinks I’m goofing off.” I face this EXACT problem all the time. You see… I work at home. Managing Remote Work Distractions Tips for managing remote work distractions. Read article Distraction-Free Writing Apps Top-tier distraction-free writing apps...

13 days ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader— Or did it? They said a runner would never break a sub-two-hour marathon. That was until 2019. Kenyan man Eliud Kipchoge ran 42.195 KM in 1:59:40:2. (For running nerds, that’s 2.50 min/KM.) It was a seismic event for the sport of running. Habits Of Highly Successful Writers They’re easy to apply if you want to become more prolific. Read article Writing Prompts To Conquer Writer’s Block Ever looked at the blank page and found it difficult to start? Read article After the Vienna...

14 days ago • 1 min read
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